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Driving sales requires more than just great products and a visually appealing website. Business consultants bring expertise and fresh strategies to help e-commerce brands overcome obstacles and significantly increase sales. Through data-driven insights and tailored tactics, consultants empower businesses to convert more leads and retain loyal customers, resulting in sustainable growth. This blog post explores […]
Businesses looking to increase and maintain their stream of revenue need more than just effective project management—they need a strategy that aligns every initiative with their long-term goals. This is where Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM) comes in. By taking a high-level view of all investments, projects, and resources, SPM ensures that every part of the […]
A Canadian can start a business in the United States. The U.S. market offers a wide range of opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs, including Canadians. However, navigating the process can be complex due to different legal, tax, and visa requirements. This guide will explain how Canadians can start or buy a business in the U.S., obtain […]
Starting a business is a rewarding yet complex journey. If you’re a first-time entrepreneur or someone looking to diversify your ventures, seeking advice from industry experts and specialists can significantly improve your chances of success. Understanding who to consult and why can make the process smoother and help you avoid common pitfalls. In this post, […]
Business transformation is a strategic overhaul of an organization’s operations, culture, and structure to achieve significant improvements in performance, agility, and competitiveness. It involves adopting new technologies, reengineering processes, and focusing on customer needs to foster innovation and growth. Ultimately, successful transformation enables a business to stay relevant, efficient, and competitive in a constantly evolving […]
In the modern business world, logistics and supply chain management are critical components that ensure the smooth operation of companies, big and small. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they represent different aspects of the movement and management of goods and services. Let’s dive into what logistics and supply chain management entail and their […]
SEO Services Markham In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is vital for the success of any business. With millions of searches happening every day, ensuring that your website appears at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) is crucial for attracting customers and driving growth. That’s where our expert SEO […]
Reviewed by Eddie Lee Registering a business in Toronto involves choosing the right business structure, conducting a name search, and registering through the appropriate channels. Additionally, businesses must obtain licenses and permits specific to their industry, register for taxes, and set up financial systems. While the process may seem complex, following these steps and ensuring […]
Canada is known for its welcoming attitude towards international students and its vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem. If you’re an international student in Canada and have a great business idea, you might be wondering if you can start your own business. The answer is yes, but there are some important considerations and steps to take. Here’s what […]
What is Canada’s Startup Visa Program? Canada’s Startup Visa program offers entrepreneurs a pathway to immigrate to Canada for the purpose of launching a new business venture. Immigrant entrepreneurs are required to showcase the originality of their business concept, its potential to generate employment opportunities for Canadians, and its ability to operate successfully internationally. Are […]
這兩年若問到移民加拿大有什麼方法,幾乎所有人都會答你救生艇 Stream A 或 Stream B,因為比較起其他移民加拿大方法,救生艇計劃的確係「平靚正」。 但是,不是人人都能「說走就走」。老人家要被照顧、小朋友太小、不想虧著賣樓等等,都可能令你來不及行救生艇計劃。那麼是不是就代表之後很難移民加拿大呢?其實不然。 加拿大有一個創業移民項目稱為Start-up Visa(簡稱SUV),可以讓你「組隊」移民。若你有創新的科技概念,可以考慮成為「隊長」,其餘申請人則為「隊員」,有錢出錢,有力出力,各施其職。「隊長」就先申請工作簽證到加拿大創業,「隊員」就可以留港一邊賺錢,一邊等永居批出再入境加拿大。 SUV的優勢 ● 無投資額要求; ● 資產要求極低; ● 英語要求低; ● 若非團隊隊長,可以留港到申請永居後才入境; ● 若是團隊隊長,可以以較少資金創業。 SUV申請條件 ● 英語只需CLB 5 ● 需要有足夠流動資金支持生活 ● 需要獲得加拿大指定機構的支持信 ● 需要有創新的商業概念 Stream A (2 年 Diploma) SUV 由入境加拿大到取得永居需時 約2.5 – 3年 團隊隊長:約3年 團隊隊員:0-3年 成本 學費:~CAD 80,000 移民及顧問費:~CAD 80,000 機會成本 假設原居地月薪為~CAD5000, 若2年沒有工作,即大概~CAD12萬 幾乎沒有 配偶開放式工簽 (OWP) 不能申請 (2024年開始) […]
The Canadian health care system’s structure is primarily dictated by the country’s constitution, wherein the federal government, along with provincial and territorial governments, shares roles and responsibilities (Government of Canada, 2019). The delivery of health and social services falls mainly under the jurisdiction of provincial and territorial governments, while the federal government assumes some service […]
恭喜您!如果您在看這篇文章,相信您正在為申請加拿大永久居民作準備,如果您認為網上資訊太雜亂,不知從何入手的話,以下的資訊也許能幫助您事半功倍! 事前準備 在進入申請步驟之前,首先需要作事前準備。所以申請前必須要清楚透過 Stream B申請成為永久居民的條件及所需文件,也就是如何證明您能滿足這個條件。 持有有效的香港特區護照或BNO 絕大部份人在申請開放式工簽時都會確保護照到期日最少有3年或以上,因為這樣才能申請最長3年的開放式工簽。因此在一般情況下,累積至少一年全職工作經驗,或累積1,560小時兼職工作經驗後申請永居便不會出現護照到期的問題。萬一申請加拿大永居中途護照到期,需要續領新護照,請向持牌顧問了解如何處理。 在加拿大合法全職工作12個月或3年內兼職工作滿1560小時之證明 公司證明信,內含您的: 名字 職位 開始工作日期及結束工作日期 每週工作時間 年薪及福利 公司聯絡資料(包括地址、電話、電郵地址)、 上司或公司人事部主任的名字、職位及簽名 加拿大稅局給您的T4表格及Notices of Assessment 僱員合約 糧單/銀行出糧紀錄 英語水平達CLB5或以上 您可以選擇報考雅思 IELTS (General Training) 或 思培 CELPIP 來證明英語水平。若要達到CLB5,雅思須達到閱讀4分、寫作5分、聆聽5分及口試5分或以上;思培所有項目均須達到5分或以上。其成績表便可證明您的英語水平。 出生證明 如果出生證明上沒有英文,便需要到律師樓或公證行找專業人士做公證及翻譯。 體檢 為加快審批速度,申請人一般可於提交申請前便先進行體檢,您可以預先尋找合資格診所預約並進行體檢,但需留意體檢結果有效期為一年。 建立您的PR Portal 由2023年1月起,所有Stream B申請人都必須於移民局設立的PR Portal來提交申請,您可以先到PR Portal網站 開設戶口。值得留意的是,移民局有提示,所有文件必須一次過提交,否則申請有機會被退回。 填寫表格 首先請下載文件清單IMM0134e,內裡已清楚列明提交申請的所需文件,以下小編亦會為大家一一講解。 Generic Application Form (IMM0008)電子版 額外家屬 (IMM0008DEP)(如果您有多於5位家屬便需要填寫,不論他是否和您一起來加拿大) Schedule 7B (IMM0136) Additional Family Information […]
Franchises are all over the world! They can be big or small brands, and nearly any industry can have franchised businesses except highly regulated sectors. Franchises have loyal customers that almost treat their favourite franchise as an element of happiness in their life. Successful franchises can be lucrative for generations to come if executed […]
The decision to hire a business consultant can occur anytime in an enterprise’s lifetime, including before the business has even been created. But knowing when to hire a business consultant before it’s too late is crucial for profitability. Hiring a business consultant can be the difference between continual growth and going under. In this blog […]
Reviewed by Eddie Lee In the challenging and competitive landscape of the business world, seeking guidance from a seasoned business consultant can be a game-changer. Whether you’re a startup looking for direction or an established company aiming for growth, the right business consultant can provide valuable insights and strategies. However, the key lies in asking […]
In the ever-evolving landscape of the business world, companies face a myriad of challenges – from navigating market uncertainties to optimizing operational efficiency. In these dynamic times, the role of business consultants has become increasingly vital. But what services do business consultants provide, and how can they be the catalysts for transformative change within organizations? […]
In March 2017, Chinese cuisine emerged as the top choice for Canadians dining out at restaurants, according to a survey involving Canadian consumers engaged in household shopping (Wunsch, 2022). Click below to download the FULL report. Market Research Proposal Download FormDownload the Chinese BBQ Restaurants in Canada FULL Market Research Proposal for FREEPlease enable JavaScript in your […]
The following Local Labour Market Report is prepared by Workforce Planning Board of York Region annually to provide an overview of current labour market conditions through employer and community consultations and contains information on employment conditions. Information is collected through consultations with employers and community stakeholders as well as analysis of a variety of local […]