Legal, Licensing, And Certifications
Legal, Licensing, and Certifications
How We Can Help You Incorporate Your Business in Canada
A business is not complete without the legal, licensing, or certification aspects. We can help you incorporate your business in Canada.
Incorporation in Canada
- Provincial (e.g. Ontario, including Great Toronto Area)
- If you incorporate provincially, your corporation only has the right to carry on business in the Canadian province where your business is incorporated and overseas.
- If you are planning to do business in only one province and overseas, there is no need to incorporate federally.
- Federal (Canada)
- Your corporation will be able to carry out business in all provinces
- Your corporation can use the same company name in each province
Incorporating a Business Corporation Requirement
- Articles of Incorporation
- Ontario-based NUANS (for a proposed name).
- proposed corporate name or trade-mark with databases of existing corporate bodies and trade-marks.
- Covering letter
- giving a contact name, return address and telephone number. If a future date of incorporation (up to 30 days ahead) is required it must be set out in the covering letter.
- Consent to Act as First Director (Form 2 under the Business Corporations Act)
- Kept at the corporation’s registered office. Initial Return/Notice of Change Within 60 days of the date of incorporation, the corporation must also file an Initial Return/Notice of Change (Form 1 under the Corporations Information Act)
OneHub. Business Consulting Incorporation Service Package
- Incorporation documents prepared by Lawyer
- Compliance with regulatory requirements review
- Filing of Incorporation documents with government
- Articles of Incorporation
- Search & Reservation of Corporate Name – Federal and Provincial
- Ontario-based NUANS (for a proposed name)
- Covering letter
- Consent to Act as First Director (Form 2)
- Initial Return/Notice of Change (Form 1)
- Provide corporate minute book (Optional)
- Tax registrations (Optional)
- Open bank account (Optional)
We can help your company get certifications
Many of our clients choose to get certifications. We can help you get certified by Health Canada, ISO (International Organisation for Standardization), ASTM International, CAMSC (Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council), and FDA (Food & Drug Administration).